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Initiative: Global Corporate Challenge

Number of employees: 185

Goal(s) of the Initiative:

Increase physical activity levels
Improve nutrition
Reduce Stress
Awareness and change in overall health
Improve energy and sleep
Improve employer/employee relationships
Increase productivity
Promote teamwork

What need was being addressed by this initiative?

The initial 100 day journey was implemented (for the fifth year) to improve employee’s immediate health, well-being and work performance as well as address long term behavioral change. Every year we have new employees join this initiative and each year we continue to see positive results that extend month over month. GCC has expanded and employees can access the site for 12 months, including, step entry, nutrition, sleep, weight tracker. Participants are able to track their progress and view their stats year round.

How was the initiative implemented:

Organizational reports are available that deliver real-time performance statistics and business benefits insights. 

Surveys were conducted prior to the event taking place, mid-stream and post event by GCC. An “End of Event Report” was provided.

Weekly progress reports are provided to the company to assess our progress and plan accordingly.

The GCC was an agenda line item for all Wellness Committee meetings. Discussions took place throughout the 100 day event and the committee will reconvene in November to evaluate the program, results and make recommendations for change.

How was the initiative evaluated:

Organizational reports are available that deliver real-time performance statistics and business benefits insights. 
Surveys were conducted prior to the event taking place, mid-stream and post event by GCC. An “End of Event Report” was provided.
Weekly progress reports are provided to the company to assess our progress and plan accordingly.
The GCC was an agenda line item for all Wellness Committee meetings. Discussions took place throughout the 100 day event and the committee will reconvene in November to evaluate the program, results and make recommendations for change.


Sandvik Arnprior had 28 participants and we expanded to another Sandivk site in Lively adding another team. Together we took 56,141,854 steps or 35,931 km. Our daily average steps were 16,401. Collectively we burned 2,252,754 calories during the 100 days. 
70% of the participants exceeded 10,000 steps/day vs 42% pre-event
36% of participants increased their awareness of what they were eating
48% reported that they are getting the recommended 7 or more hours of sleep vs 38% pre-event.
Our employees received 409 virtual trophies.
Together we were part of the initiative that raised enough donations to provide more than 4000 clean water kits to families and schools across the globe.

What is the approximate cost per participant:


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